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Planning Board Minutes 11/04/04

Minutes of the November 4, 2004 meeting

Members present:

Fred Anderson                   Bob Bethel              Scott Burnside  
Bob Edwards                      Spencer Garrett        Mike Oldershaw  
Ed Rowehl

Members absent:
Dan Valley

Public attendees:

Geraldine Rabideau              Renee Rabideau  Smith Harriman  
Andrew Roblee           Michael Rondeau Peter Beblowski
Bob Palmer                      Peter Mellen, LLS

Chairman Rowehl opened the meeting at 7:00 PM by designating Mr. Edwards to sit for Mr. Valley. The continuation of the public hearing for Mr. Harriman’s excavation site was scheduled for 7:00; however, Mr. Palmer who was to represent Mr. Harriman was not present. The Chair decided to postpone the public hearing until 7:30 in the hope that Mr. Palmer would arrive. In the meantime the board conducted it’s normal business meeting.

Mr. Oldershaw moved to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2004 meeting as presented. Mr. Garrett seconded the motion, which passed. The secretary presented a memorandum from the Southwest Region Planning Commission, which outlined their Planning Assistance Program (PAB). The memo outlined the services that would be provided. The cost of the program would be $3,500.00 per year, which would provide up to 100 hours of services. The members felt that there was an increasing need for planning services and that such a program would be of value in the review of existing ordinances, drafting of new ordinances and advice on applications before the board. Mr. Oldershaw moved that the funds for the program be placed in the 2005 budget being prepared by the secretary. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion, which passed.

The secretary advised the board that he had not as yet received any input from the Parks and Recreation Department regarding their Capital Improvement Plan. Mr. Oldershaw will call this to the attention of the selectmen. An article entitled “Zoning Power gets on the Ballot” was distributed. A calendar of upcoming events was distributed. Mr. Garrett will attend a session on “State Long Range Transportation Business Plan” and Mr. Edwards will attend the “Monadnock Region Housing Summit”. Both gentlemen will report their observations to the board at a subsequent meeting.

Mr. Edwards reported that Mr. Levesque, Chairman of the Open Space Committee was in the process of arranging meeting dates for the newly formed committee. He felt that the meeting would start in late November or early December. The secretary had information regarding a Growth Conference, which he will pass on to Mr. Levesque.

The members then discussed a memo from the secretary regarding Article XI Wetland District of the zoning ordinance. There appears to be a need to rewrite the ordinance to establish criteria for granting a special exception to disturb the 25 foot buffer adjacent to wetlands for roads and access ways that differ from the criteria for permitted uses by special exception in various zoning districts. Mr. Beblowski, Chairman of the Conservation Commission said that the commission was working on their draft of an “avoidance first or no net loss” policy. He said that he would have a copy of the draft for the board to review before their next meting. The board concurred that the matter should be studied and Mr. Oldershaw suggested that the services of SWRPC be solicited. The secretary will follow up. Mr. Burnside said that he wanted to be involved in the rewriting of the ordinance.

Mr. Palmer arrived and Mr. Rowehl continued the public hearing on Mr. Harriman’s application to continue the operation of his excavation site and to reclaim it. Mr. Burnside, being an abutter, recused himself. Mr. Palmer presented revised drawings and explained the changes he had made since the previous meeting. He said that the traveled way of the access road was on Mr. Harriman’s land but the slope at the edge of the road was in fact on Mr. Ward’s land. He did not say if any corrective action would be taken. The regulations call for contour lines at 5-foot intervals. Mr. Palmer pointed out that 5-foot intervals were shown at the site being excavated and at 2-foot intervals at the holding pond and he was asking for a waiver to the 5-foot requirement for the rest of the property. Mr. Garrett moved to grant the waiver. Mr. Bethel seconded the motion, which passed.

The members then reviewed the checklist and previous requirements made of Mr. Palmer and found that the following information was still required before the board could proceed to accept the application.

The wetlands had not been delineated by a wetland or soil scientist as had been requested.
A note is to be made on the drawing that excavation will not go below a specific elevation point.
Mr. Palmer is to confirm that there are no buildings, structures, septic systems and wells within 150 feet of the property boundary and so note on the drawing.
No photographs were provided as required by item C:6. Mr. Palmer is to provide them.
The notation that there shall be no fuel storage on the site is to be modified to state that there be no permanent fuel storage on site thus permitting the refueling from portable tanks.
Documentation is to be provided from Mr. Wood, the engineer, that no Alteration of Terrain permit is required.
The stamp of certification by the surveyor needs to be dated.
Note 3 needs to be corrected. Zone is RA = Rural, not R.
Note 1 calls out area 3C but there is no area 3C shown on the map. This needs to be clarified.

Mr. Beblowski asked what the separation to the high water table was and he was advised that it was four feet. Mr. Palmer was advised that no further action would be taken on the application util the information noted above was provided, nor would the application for a minor subdivision submitted by Mr. Harriman be heard until the application for the continued operation and reclamation of the excavation site was approved. Mr. Rowehl continued the public hearing at 7:30 PM on November 18, 2004.

Mr. Rowehl then opened the public hearing on the application of Mr. Knapton for a major subdivision. Mr. Mellen, representing Mr. Knapton presented drawings, which showed a revision of the original application from an eleven-lot subdivision to a five-lot subdivision. All lots had the required road frontage, shoreline frontage, acreage and contiguous dry land.  Mr. Rondeau asked if it would be possible to subdivide the large lakefront lot at a later date and was told that it could be done if all the requirements for subdivision were met. Mr. Rondeau asked if the large lakefront lot could be accessed via the easement across his property and was told that it could be. He also asked if the access to the large lakefront lot would be over the existing area that had been cleared. Mr. Mellen explained that it was not in the same location. Mr. Rondeau asked where a house could be located on the lot. Mr. Mellen said that the most likely place would be on the dry land abutting Pierce Lake Road but that would be up to the land owner as long as all regulations are met. Mr. Weymouth asked for a clarification of the backlot, which Mr. Mellen provided. Mr. Weymouth was also concerned about the work that had been done in clearing the proposed road and whether or not any damage done to the wetlands would be corrected. Mrs. Weymouth added that since a large area had been cleared, there was three times as much water going into Franklin Pierce Lake. Mr. Rowehl was sympathetic to the comments made by the Weymouth’s but said that the Planning Board had no jurisdiction over the matter and that it was between NHDES and Mr. Knapton. Mr. Beblowski said that the Conservation Commission would visit the site and report their findings to the board by the next meeting. The board would then determine if the findings should be forwarded to DES. There being no future discussion, the board reviewed the checklist with Mr. Mellen and concluded that the following requirements were to be met.

1. Items 20 & 42: All monuments were not set. They would be set upon approval of the
application and the date set would be noted on the Mylar.
2. Item 50: State subdivision approval for the subdivision would be required before
signing the Mylar.
3. Test pit location and well radius are to be shown for lot 7A-65-4.

A report from the Conservation Commission as noted above is required as well as a report from the Fire Chief. Mr. Burnside moved to waive the requirement for a Community Impact Study (Item 55). Mr. Anderson seconded the motion, which passed.

Mr. Burnside moved to accept the application of Donald E. Knapton, Sr., File # 2004-14PB for a major subdivision of property located on Pierce Lake Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 7A Lot 65 located in the Lakefront Residential & Rural Districts. The applicant proposes to subdivide the property into five (5) lots. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Garrett – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Anderson – aye. Mr. Rowehl then continued the public hearing until November 18, 2004 for the board to deliberate on the approval of the application.

Mr. Anderson moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Oldershaw seconded the motion, which passed. Mr. Rowehl adjourned the meeting at 9:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board